Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pictures & Words

What do postman and powers claim about the differences between stationary pictures, moving pictures, and language?
(a) Staionary pictures are single images that have no words to discribe what the viewer is looking out.
(b) Moving pictures discribe an event past or present more indepth details of dates and times
(c) Language is seen by a viewer in three different ways the fist is in pure description it involves no judgment or fervencies, the second is a description of sorts of an event the speaker makes by judgment, the third is  a statement made of the unknown based on the known.
How is this important to their larger point in the essay?
(a)  It is important to understand the larger point of language, stationary and moving pictures as so the viewer can decide whether the television program is of interest to watch and also to have an understanding of the event.

What is the writer main claim about today newcast?
(a)  Postman & Powers  claims that if we are rely to on newscast telling us the truth  about news and world events , we are not being told the truth that we need to intelligently understand the news process.

Do you agree with them?
(a) Today most newscast  are basically what the viewer  can program his or her self to see, believe and understand what the news is realy comunicating  to the viewer example have friends in a state that has bad worse flooding in years (would watch because of interest) jelly fish in local beach (wont watch not interesting) A picture is worth a thousand words and a word is worth a thousand pictures.(Postman & Powers 1992)  

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