Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fashion or School

Baggy Pants

Young adults and teenagers often wear clothes that adults can't stand. In our eyes, many outfits make them look odd, clownish, grungy, too sexy, or downright scary hoodlums. But the old adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover," is especially true with young adults and teens. A really nice, kind person can be hiding underneath an unusual outfit, and his or her outfit can be sending out a complete different message as was the case of Jason Hinmom after he transfer from Morehouse collage to the University of Delaware in his hometown due to personal issues. This young man felt so abandon and out of place in his classes as he was being eyed by his professors for a hip-hop hoodlum not interested in getting an education or a good student (Thomas Learl Midgwtt) mainly because of his dark-hued, dreadlocked style, as such a few times he thought of drooping out of school. "You see students walking on campus reciting rap lyrics when they should be reciting something they'll need to know on their next test. Some of these same students you won't see back on campus next semester," says Dr. Thomas Earl Midgette, 50, director of the Institute for the Study of Minority Issues at historically Black North Carolina Central University.
Teenagers or young adults usually wear anything to go with the mainstream trend. Most teens want to be new and hip. So they buy new clothes to fit in. (examples) low waist colored skinny jeans, band shirts, Nike shoes, and colored eyeliner. Funny can you remember what you and your friends wore when you were young? In the 1960s and 1970s long hair, tie-dye shirts, bell-bottom pants, and bulky hippie sandals drove parents crazy. Knowing what is appropriate and inappropriate clothing in school will keep you from getting into trouble, which could keep you away from your classes. Another reason is if everyone follows the guidelines, students are not as distracted by someone's outfit. Without dress codes, some students can choose to come to school in outfits that cause either controversy or reveals too much skin.
How ever shoeing off your individuality by the way you chose to dress can become a bit tricky. Keeping in mind that Fashions and fads come and go, and many people are bound to experiment with them, Show young adults and teens that we understand and validate them even when the style differs completely from our tastes.
 Clearly there is a huge controversy in our schools today regarding enforcing an appropriate dress code. Many parents have joined school officials requesting that the idea of school dress codes and the use of uniforms can be good and very beneficial to all. Barbara Cruz, in her book “School Dress Codes” ( Nove. 20,2003)  writes that uniforms keep a focus on academics, not clothing, and decrease verbal abuse and sexual harassment among students.

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