Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fashion or School

Baggy Pants

Young adults and teenagers often wear clothes that adults can't stand. In our eyes, many outfits make them look odd, clownish, grungy, too sexy, or downright scary hoodlums. But the old adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover," is especially true with young adults and teens. A really nice, kind person can be hiding underneath an unusual outfit, and his or her outfit can be sending out a complete different message as was the case of Jason Hinmom after he transfer from Morehouse collage to the University of Delaware in his hometown due to personal issues. This young man felt so abandon and out of place in his classes as he was being eyed by his professors for a hip-hop hoodlum not interested in getting an education or a good student (Thomas Learl Midgwtt) mainly because of his dark-hued, dreadlocked style, as such a few times he thought of drooping out of school. "You see students walking on campus reciting rap lyrics when they should be reciting something they'll need to know on their next test. Some of these same students you won't see back on campus next semester," says Dr. Thomas Earl Midgette, 50, director of the Institute for the Study of Minority Issues at historically Black North Carolina Central University.
Teenagers or young adults usually wear anything to go with the mainstream trend. Most teens want to be new and hip. So they buy new clothes to fit in. (examples) low waist colored skinny jeans, band shirts, Nike shoes, and colored eyeliner. Funny can you remember what you and your friends wore when you were young? In the 1960s and 1970s long hair, tie-dye shirts, bell-bottom pants, and bulky hippie sandals drove parents crazy. Knowing what is appropriate and inappropriate clothing in school will keep you from getting into trouble, which could keep you away from your classes. Another reason is if everyone follows the guidelines, students are not as distracted by someone's outfit. Without dress codes, some students can choose to come to school in outfits that cause either controversy or reveals too much skin.
How ever shoeing off your individuality by the way you chose to dress can become a bit tricky. Keeping in mind that Fashions and fads come and go, and many people are bound to experiment with them, Show young adults and teens that we understand and validate them even when the style differs completely from our tastes.
 Clearly there is a huge controversy in our schools today regarding enforcing an appropriate dress code. Many parents have joined school officials requesting that the idea of school dress codes and the use of uniforms can be good and very beneficial to all. Barbara Cruz, in her book “School Dress Codes” ( Nove. 20,2003)  writes that uniforms keep a focus on academics, not clothing, and decrease verbal abuse and sexual harassment among students.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pictures & Words

What do postman and powers claim about the differences between stationary pictures, moving pictures, and language?
(a) Staionary pictures are single images that have no words to discribe what the viewer is looking out.
(b) Moving pictures discribe an event past or present more indepth details of dates and times
(c) Language is seen by a viewer in three different ways the fist is in pure description it involves no judgment or fervencies, the second is a description of sorts of an event the speaker makes by judgment, the third is  a statement made of the unknown based on the known.
How is this important to their larger point in the essay?
(a)  It is important to understand the larger point of language, stationary and moving pictures as so the viewer can decide whether the television program is of interest to watch and also to have an understanding of the event.

What is the writer main claim about today newcast?
(a)  Postman & Powers  claims that if we are rely to on newscast telling us the truth  about news and world events , we are not being told the truth that we need to intelligently understand the news process.

Do you agree with them?
(a) Today most newscast  are basically what the viewer  can program his or her self to see, believe and understand what the news is realy comunicating  to the viewer example have friends in a state that has bad worse flooding in years (would watch because of interest) jelly fish in local beach (wont watch not interesting) A picture is worth a thousand words and a word is worth a thousand pictures.(Postman & Powers 1992)  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Anakin Skywalker appears as a nine-year-old slave in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999). He WAS raised on the planet Tatooine by his mother, Shmi, who CLAIMS Anakin had no father, implying THIS WAS A  miraculous birth. THIS BOY  is a gifted pilot and engineer, and has the ability to "see things before they happen". Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn meets him after an emergency landing on Tatooine and becomes convinced the boy is the "Chosen One", foretold by a Jedi prophecy as the one who will bring balance to the Force.
                                              THE NEW SAFTY FORCE
 technology really puts a damper on a young boys imagination that he is Darth Vader and  has the power of force to change the planet he lives in, the boy is so upset because he feels his powers are not of use in this new universe he is in that no matter how sweet his mother tries to be to him he is very unhappy as he sits staring at his meal and  trying to figure out what his next move will be to conquer this world with his force , just like magic his father arrives from a long days work. the boy runs outside to greet his dad and to see the amazing beautiful machine (Volkswagen vehicle) that his father has parked in front of the kitchen windows. As parents look at the moves of their sons and almost can read what is on the boys little mind they add a little twist to his imagination pilot,whom as looked at all the gadgets in the interior of the vehicle and wonders "wow I can take off to a new galaxy" . parents watch as the child folds his hands as to get his force going. BIGO car lights flash on and off alarm warning beeps on and off ....Young Darth (boy) jumps up in amazement thinking he has the force again ....while mom and dad laugh because dad used the car alarm safety  device to create this moment in time, locking up the car  so that his sons imagination would not led to a worse outcome. SAFTEY BEATS THE FORCE ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Baby" By Justin Bieber

Pop star Justin Bieber might not rank high in popularity by the guys, but he has  has melted the hearts of girls young and old, his new video release “BABY” in tells the story of a young teenage boy madly in love with the sweetheart of his life, in this video he see his  x-girlfriend and her friends entering a game room/bowling ally, he signals to his friends about the girl and they preceded to enter the bowling ally with Justin. Once there Justin starts to sing to the girl about how she has him going insane and how he cant function with out her love for him, she continues to push him away ignoring his plead, so  he continues with his charm, dance and words countless times regardless of her objections towards him , Finally she realizes just as he has given up that she still has feeling for him and excepts his love.  This video was shot in a typical bowling ally showing teens enjoying a day of having fun with friends free of drugs or alcohol simply dancing (great exercise),  getting out of a normal days routine. Parents of teens should not fear this young singing sensation his songs are clean they don’t talk of drugs alcohol or teen pregnancy a clean cut from most rap singers in this decade.